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Prevex is, for your convenience, offering you access to an automatically translated environment for the web shop (the “Service”). By accessing this translated environment and by using the Service you acknowledge, understand and agree that the translation is not produced by Prevex and the Services have not been verified our reviewed by Prevex beforehand.

Other than as expressly provided for herein, neither Prevex nor its supplier make any specific promises about the Services. For example, Prevex does not make any commitments about the content within the Services, the specific functions of the Services, or their reliability, availability, or ability to meet your needs. Prevex provides the Services “as is” with any fault, malfunction, error, etc. contained in the Service.

Some jurisdictions provide for certain warranties, like the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. To the extent permitted by law, Prevex excludes all warranties.

Prevex shall in no event be liable for any special, consequential, incidental, indirect, exemplary or punitive damages of any kind arising from the use of the translated environment. To the extent permitted by law, the total liability of Prevex, and its suppliers, for any claims arising as a result of using the Services, including for any implied warranties, are limited to the amount paid by to Pevex for the use of the Services.

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